Fat accumulations in the arms and legs, especially the excess skin caused by weight loss or age, can distort the image. Liposuction, fat injections, implants, arm and thigh lift operations can be applied in arm and leg aesthetics. In these procedures, which can be applied together with other aesthetic surgeries, methods are selected according to the examination findings of the person.
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Arm Lift
The method to be used in the treatment of arm sagging varies according to skin elasticity and the degree of subcutaneous fat accumulation. If skin sagging is mild-moderate and subcutaneous plaque collection is high; In this case, the treatment we apply is laser lipolysis (liposuction). If the skin sagging is advanced; In this case, the preferred method is arm lift surgery or the method called "arm lift". Depending on the condition of the subcutaneous fat tissue, liposuction can be added to the method. If there is no skin sagging; In this case, the main reason for the arm area to appear thick is fat accumulation or localized fat deposits. Laser lipolysis method is the most suitable surgical method that can be applied in fat deposits. The skin tightening effect of laser technology is also beneficial.
Thigh lift
The surgeries performed to provide leg aesthetics are called leg shaping surgeries. Leg shaping operations are divided into two groups as operations that thin the leg and operations that thicken (shape) the leg. While liposuction and thigh-leg stretching (thigh lift) surgeries are among the leg thinning methods, the surgeries applied to thicken the legs are fat injection and leg (calf) implants. With leg shaping surgeries, it is possible to eliminate many different complaints related to the leg area.