What are the Applications in Genital Aesthetics?
The genital anatomy changes from person to person, but some problems that arise in terms of health and appearance negatively affect the psychological state of the person. Anatomically, excess inner labia in the genital area or insufficient outer labia, fat accumulation in the genital area, or vaginal enlargement due to childbirth are quite disturbing.
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LABIAPLASTY (Reduction of Genital Inner Lips)
The normal anatomical structure of the external genitalia is in the standing position thin curved inner lips should be in the form of some coverage of the outer lips. Sometimes the inner lips grow larger than they should be, causing both dysfunction and visual problems.
The larger size of the inner lips, especially when wearing a bikini, causes an appearance that disturbs women by appearing from the clothes. Microbes accumulating between the folds of this region often lead to genital infections. Hygiene disorders cause an unpleasant odor in the genital area. In addition, it can cause sexual dysfunctions with both a decrease in the self-confidence of the person and an excess in the anterior region of the vagina.
The surgery to reduce the inner lips is called labiaplasty. In this procedure, which is generally applied with local anesthesia or sedation, the excess lower part is removed and surgery is performed so that the natural folds of the inner lip are left behind. There is no need to stay in the hospital. Recovery time is approximately 1 week. It is recommended to be done at the end of the menstruation period the next time The person will be healed until the period. Sexual intercourse is avoided for 4 weeks.
Reducing the inner lips is an effective surgery that increases self-confidence while solving functional problems. Bleeding is the most common complication that can occur rarely after labiaplasty. It is minimized by careful surgical technique and ice application. There is no significant pain after the surgery, but if it does, it can be controlled with painkillers. Again, rarely, wound dehiscence may develop, usually chronic due to fungal infection. In order to eliminate this, it is appropriate to do a gynecological control first.
VAGINOPLASTY (narrowing of the vagina)
Especially after normal births or with age, loosening and enlargement of the vaginal tissues may occur. This can lead to loss of self-confidence and sexual dysfunctions.
The process of narrowing the vagina is called vaginoplasty. It can be applied as laser vaginoplasty or open surgery. Laser vaginoplasty, which is a non-surgical method, can be applied in mild enlargements. In advanced cases, it is necessary to narrow it with surgery. Which method will be used is determined after the examination.
Laser vaginoplasty is a method that can be performed on an outpatient basis, does not require anesthesia, and does not cause any problems except for mild aches during the recovery period. The effect begins to be seen in a few weeks, and it may take several months for the full effect to settle. It is recommended to stay away from sexual intercourse for 6 weeks. Apart from this, the person can continue his business and social life.
In surgical vaginoplasty, the tissues inside the vagina are narrowed and vaginoplasty is applied. The procedure takes approximately 1 hour, generally does not require hospitalization. After the operation, pain controlled with painkillers and bleeding in the form of leakage may occur. Recovery takes an average of 1 week. It is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for the first 6 weeks.
Lubrication may occur in the upper part of the genital area. With lipolysis, the fat in this area can be removed. It can be combined with other genital procedures.
Sometimes the external genital lips may be smaller than normal, even if the internal genital folds are small, it may be insufficient to cover them. In this case, the volume of the outer lip can be increased by injecting artificial fillers or fat taken from the person's own body. It can be applied together with other aesthetic procedures.